ARP scan | Advanced options

Advanced options

Advanced options

3 min read

Get help -h

Display the main help message with all commands and available ARP scan options.

List interfaces -l

List all available network interfaces. Using this option will only print a list of interfaces and exit the process.

Select scan profile -p stealth

A scan profile groups together a set of ARP scan options to perform a specific scan. The scan profiles are listed below:

  • default : default option, this is enabled if the -p option is not used
  • fast : fast ARP scans, the results may be less accurate
  • stealth : slower scans that minimize the network impact
  • chaos : randomly-selected values for the ARP scan

Select interface -i eth0

Perform a scan on the network interface eth0. The first valid IPv4 network on this interface will be used as scan target. By default, the first network interface with an up status and a valid IPv4 will be selected.

Set IPv4 network range -n

By default, the scan process will select the first IPv4 network on the interface and start a scan on the whole range. With the --network option, an IPv4 network can be defined (this may be used for specific scans on a subset of network targets).

Set global scan timeout -t 15s

Enforce a timeout of at least 15 seconds. This timeout is a minimum value (scans may take a little more time). Default value is 2000ms.

Change ARP request interval -I 39ms

By default, a 10ms gap will be set between ARP requests to avoid an ARP storm on the network. This value can be changed to reduce or increase the milliseconds between each ARP request.

Enforce scan bandwidth limit -B 1000

Enforce a bandwidth limit (expressed in bits per second) on ARP scans. The --bandwidth option conflicts with --interval since these 2 arguments change the same parameter underneath.

Numeric mode --numeric

Switch to numeric mode. This will skip the local hostname resolution process and will only display IP addresses.

Host retry count -r 3

Send 3 ARP requests to the targets (retry count). By default, a single ARP request will be sent to each host.

Change source IPv4 -S

Change or force the IPv4 address sent as source in the broadcasted ARP packets. By default, a valid IPv4 address on the network interface will be used. This option may be useful for isolated hosts and security checks.

Change destination MAC -M 55:44:33:22:11:00

Change or force the MAC address sent as destination ARP request. By default, a broadcast destination (00:00:00:00:00:00) will be set.

Change source MAC -M 11:24:71:29:21:76

Change or force the MAC address sent as source in the ARP request. By default, the network interface MAC will be used.

Randomize target list -R

Randomize the IPv4 target list before sending ARP requests. By default, all ARP requests are sent in ascending order by IPv4 address.

Use custom MAC OUI file --oui-file ./my-file.csv

Use a custom OUI MAC file, the default path will be set to /usr/share/arp-scan/ieee-oui.csv".

Set VLAN ID -Q 42

Add a 802.1Q field in the Ethernet frame. This fields contains the given VLAN ID for outgoing ARP requests. By default, the Ethernet frame is sent without 802.1Q fields (no VLAN).

Customize ARP operation ID --arp-op 1

Change the ARP protocol operation field, this can cause scan failure.

Customize ARP hardware type --hw-type 1

Change the ARP hardware type field, this can cause scan failure.

Customize ARP hardware address length --hw-addr 6

Change the ARP hardware address length field, this can cause scan failure.

Customize ARP protocol type --proto-type 2048

Change the ARP protocol type field, this can cause scan failure.

Customize ARP protocol adress length --proto-addr 4

Change the ARP protocol address length field, this can cause scan failure.

Set output format -o json

Set the output format to either plain (a full-text output with tables), json, yaml or csv.

Show version --version

Display the ARP scan CLI version and exits the process.